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County Museum Chrudim

The museum is located in two buildings, each serving a different purpose. The renaissance building houses the museum exhibits, while the baroque building is used for social events. The latter contains two large halls, a restaurant, wine room, and several other rooms. The building of the museum was done in two stages. The exhibit section was started 6.9.1897 and opened to the public on 2.12.1898. The social building was started on 8.11.1898 and opened on 19.5.1901.

County Museum Chrudim

County Museum Chrudim

The museum is decorated with plastic art, "Homeland and Work." The social division displays the goddess Pallas Athena bearing the traditional spear and shield. The plastic art is the work of Professor Antonin Popp. Artist Theodor Hilser painted the decorations in the museum hall.

County Museum Chrudim

County Museum Chrudim

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